Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Madrid MilesKM

This was an amazing event I was involved with where art student collaborated with Spanish art students to create a piece of work that would that was exhibited in the La Tabacalera in Madrid, (this was arrange completly independtly from Uni by two students).

I collaborate with a girl called Lucia because. She had an exciting talent of mixed art disciplines and her want to explore even more. Which worked perfectly as I wanted to move into an installation art piece. We both emailed each other with some written initial ideas and then we went hunting for inspiration, emailing photographs of images we found that related to our ideas. Once these started to develop, I did a couple of drawings of an ideas, (the one we choose below) which I came up with using both our research, Lucia really liked it. We summed it up into these fundamental elements, 

'make a piece partly attached to a wall, that there shall be a liquid in the floor as water (for it not to dry i guess we could make transparent jelly or maybe some colorless oil... we'll figure that out later), that there're gonna be puppets in it climbing some of the pluming that conform a net of tubes that sinks (hey,sinks! :P) into the wall itself.' - Lucia

We sourced the materials from various places and Lucia already had a huge quantity of tea bags for half of the puppets. We created a spontaneous mix media piece, which did reflect the research and the environment it was in. It was a great experience, me and Lucia had a great time working and staying together. The project as a whole has been very inspirational and had excited me with the idea of the possible opportunity that could be had through any form of art and like-minded people working together.

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Here I work with LuckyPDF’s as a costume assistance. The project took place in the conservator of the Barbican Centre. It was an open filmmaking event, where eight artist where invited to respond to the possibilities and constraints of the space. An audience was invited to view the live artists’ performance and the production of a film round it. In particular I helped with Philip Lis - Germination: The Avant-Garden Body-Sculptures. These where vacuum formed sculptural costumes attached together with gardening wire and cable ties. 

This was a devised project that we did at college with a budget of £200. We where given five myths to choose from and we chose Pandora Box. We then constructed a 5-minute performance based on our take on the myth. The room was the box, we decided to look into the 7 sins and move them into visual conspectus, with Pandora leading you through and hope being at the end. We constructed all the separate section, within a maze like format, which disoriented people as they walked round. We created the scenarios within them, using lighting, texture and sound to create different atmospheres. Small audiences where given a touch each and lead round the dark ‘maze of sine’ and final into the room hope where they where given a penny each to chuck into the fountain and make a wish.